Sponsor Valley Shore Acappella

Your Contributions Help!

We love sharing the gift of great music with people of our community.  And though we sell tickets at a number of shows each year, we also have a lot expenses.

If you love Valley Shore Acappella, and want to see this amazing group of women thrive, we'd like to invite you to become a sponsor.  The additional income helps us reach out to new young talent in our community.

Valley Shore Acappella is affiliated with Sweet Adelines International, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law - please check with your tax advisor concerning the tax deductability of your gift.

For full details please contact our Financial Coordinator, Mary Blewitt (860-635-5489):  mary-go-round@juno.com